I thought I'd lost this book for ever and I was so annoyed with myself for not remembering where I had placed it some three years ago! I was preparing to order another one when luckily it appeared behind a bookshelf (where else?) as I was relocating my art books to another room.
The book is a collection of 36 drawings done for The Guardian's Country Diary articles, beautifully reproduced in every detail, each one standing in its own page for better appreciation. I love the narrative in them as well as their style and craftsmanship. There's always a bit of mystery and allegory in Harper's work which makes it so much more interesting and special than any other illustration.
Agraphia Press Ltd (www.agraphiapress.com ) is owned and run by Harper himself as far as I understand - an ideal situation for an artist, to be able to control publications (and profit, hopefully) of his own work. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clifford_Harper