Sunday, 25 January 2015

"Good-Night, Owl" By Pat Hutchins (published by Julia MacRae, Random House, London 1993 - originally published by Bodley Head in 1972) Part 2

The beautiful work of British born author and illustrator Pat Hutchins (b.1942). Better known, of course, for the classic "Rosie's Walk" (1968), "The Wind Blew"(1974), "Don't Forget The Bacon!"(1976), she produced dozens of children's books in her long career. A brief biography here:

Friday, 9 January 2015

"In Memory Of The Charlie Habdo Attack Victims" by Harris

 Still in shock from the mindless killings at the Charlie Habdo offices in Paris this week. My heart goes out to the families and friends of all the victims. Such a high price to pay for merely expressing your views on politics! It was so depressing to see so many talented people wiped away by some useless thugs whose only "charisma" was to shoot guns... Well, when it comes to properly influencing and inspiring the masses, guns don't stand a chance against writers' and artists' pens - I think...

Sunday, 4 January 2015

"2015, New Year....Happy?" By Harris

Just testing out my new SAKURA drawing pens and this was the result. The surface of the paper was a bit rough though, which affected the sharpness - I should have known better.