Sunday, 29 August 2010

1950's Thriller/Action Book Jackets

Great book jackets from all those decades ago. I can't resist buying them even though I never read the stories! The artists are never credited. There's something nostalgic about these action and adventure books and the illustrators are so good at capturing all the suspense and excitement and attracting the potential buyer. No disrespect for the writers but I think I'm not the only one that falls for the cover rather than the content! By the way, I so hate those sticky price label that won't come off without ruining the book.

Friday, 27 August 2010

"Spook" Jane Little, illustrated by Suzanne Kesteloo Larsen (published by Scholastic Book Services 1965)

This one is from the days when witches were really scary - not cute! Lovely pen & ink work. No information on the illustrator though...

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

"Engish Folk Heroes", Christina Hope, published by B.T. Batsford Ltd, London 1948 (original wooduts by Eric King)

Couldn't find any information on Eric King but these woodcuts are so beautiful. They remind me of Samuel Palmer's engravings in the way the shapes are formed and the use of dramatic light. Very strong compositions and drawing. The condition of the book is really good as well (apart from the worn cover) so they look like they've just been printed.

Monday, 16 August 2010

"Blood, Sweat & Tears" by Benjamin Gudel (published by Die Gestalten Verlag, Berlin 2005)

This is not an old book. I discovered it while on holiday and I just had to have it. I was not familiar with Gudel's work and I haven't a clue what the pictures are about but there's something "edgy" in their quality that grubs you instantly. I love the richness in the colour and textures and the boldness in the composition - they'd look stunning framed. More fantastic characters like these ones can be viewed on Benjamin Gudel's own website, as well as the publisher's website

Monday, 9 August 2010

"Spain For You",Text, drawings and design by Maximo (Published by Subsecretaria De Turismo, Madrid 1960's) - part 2

Just a few more from this fantastic sixties' Spanish Tourist Guide. I've been too busy for the past two months (mainly working on my veg garden and a trip abroad) but I've collected lots of stuff for the blog!